The vooPLUS input plugin adds support for Quicktime Movies (.mov) and mpeg-4 files (.mp4) to vooya. In order to play files with HEVC content, you need to alter the source code a bit, compile it yourself and obtain an HEVC license.
voo+ License is LGPL.
Find the source code here.
Find the used ffmpeg package here for Windows/Linux builds.
The macOS version of voo+ uses the native Cocoa API.
ΔE-ITP is the most common error metric for images or video frames in the HDR domain. This plugins adds calculation of ΔE-ITP to vooya's video difference feature. Suitable for inputs in gamma, PQ or HLG, and implemented as described here.
The plugin is designed to be fast and thus makes partial use of look-up tables. Also the upscaling algorithm isn't part of the spec, so do not expect bit-exact results with other implementations.
This plugin appears in the Tools menu and adds a window expecting pixel positions. For any pixel (make sure you have YCbCr >= 8bit input), the corresponding ICtCp, ITP and Yu'v' values are calculated. Ycc is expected to be SDR, HLG or PQ content. With the output, we get a chromaticity data set that can further be explored, as described here.
The calculated values can be exported as CSV, to be subsequently imported elsewhere. Currently only for macOS and Windows.
You can find example workflows with HDR Chroma Grapher here:
Write me if you need that for Linux or so.
… with the API